Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Outcome of Tuesday Practice

1. Went to predetermined location, Flinders St. Station, Melbourne, before dawn :

[NB. You can double-click on any image to see larger version, then use the back arrow to resume the blog.]

2. Played with unfamiliar camera settings and  succeeded in getting the target photo of a tram moving in front of the station (but I could not get one with a clearly defined tram and a clearly defined station). :

 3. But I liked a close-up of the clock as a better, more interesting photo:

Lesson learned: There is a difference between a reasonable general "travel snap" shot (which can be quite OK if it's needed for a travelogue) and a reasonably good photo.

So I then walked down  to Princes Bridge and the Yarra, which was a hive of activity in the miserable overcast dawn.

Continuing the theme, the postcard shot of the view downriver under the bridge is OK considering the gloom :

But again I preferred the detail of a closeup of the bridge:

My previous style of a general shot containing multiple points of interest for a travelogue ...

... was losing out to attempts to get better, closer shots of a single subject :

After a coffee and a little shopping, I then made my first visit to Melbourne's redeveloping Docklands.

The (new) "Best" photo was this one ...

... because of its' detail, but also because it's of an old Sydney ferry that has been poorly renamed for a Melbourne audience.

[The above shots are drastically reduced jpeg's for the purpose of the blog.
For several originals with better reproduction click on the Flickr badge.]

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