Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Outcome of Tuesday Practice

1. Went to predetermined location, Flinders St. Station, Melbourne, before dawn :

[NB. You can double-click on any image to see larger version, then use the back arrow to resume the blog.]

2. Played with unfamiliar camera settings and  succeeded in getting the target photo of a tram moving in front of the station (but I could not get one with a clearly defined tram and a clearly defined station). :

 3. But I liked a close-up of the clock as a better, more interesting photo:

Lesson learned: There is a difference between a reasonable general "travel snap" shot (which can be quite OK if it's needed for a travelogue) and a reasonably good photo.

So I then walked down  to Princes Bridge and the Yarra, which was a hive of activity in the miserable overcast dawn.

Continuing the theme, the postcard shot of the view downriver under the bridge is OK considering the gloom :

But again I preferred the detail of a closeup of the bridge:

My previous style of a general shot containing multiple points of interest for a travelogue ...

... was losing out to attempts to get better, closer shots of a single subject :

After a coffee and a little shopping, I then made my first visit to Melbourne's redeveloping Docklands.

The (new) "Best" photo was this one ...

... because of its' detail, but also because it's of an old Sydney ferry that has been poorly renamed for a Melbourne audience.

[The above shots are drastically reduced jpeg's for the purpose of the blog.
For several originals with better reproduction click on the Flickr badge.]

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Tuesday Practice

Today's mission will be threefold:

1. To go to one predetermined location with one predetermined subject and come back with at least one good photo.

2. To experiment with Shutter speed (Tv Mode)
To take a half decent photo of a moving subject with a blurred background
To take a half decent photo of moving water

3 To experiment with Aperture value (Av Mode)

The Location? Flinders & Swanston.
The Target? A tram moving in front of Flinders St Station.
Why? An iconic image of Melbourne.

Trial Checklist

1. What is the subject?
2. Is it in focus?
3. Is it where it most belongs in the shot?
4. Is it in detail?
5. Have all distractions been eliminated?
6. Is the horizon level?
7. Is this the best photo I can get of it?'s Top 10 Tips

Not surprisingly, it seems I've missed the single most important step in all photography : discerning your subject before you get your camera out!

I've been delighted to get out early to capture the amazing effects of sunrise, or be in a famous place etc. but I have never deliberately taken anything but a "general surroundings" shot as opposed to a bolt on the Eiffel Tower or anything specific in a scene.

My Photographic journey to date

It's probably not accidental that each turning point on my photographic journey has been connected with trips or journeys.

Until 2001 I'm not sure I even had a camera, and the only photo I'd taken worth keeping was a lucky accident - at dawn in Tasmania at the moment my son landed his first fish.


Then lighthouses

Then  first digital Scotland 2003

Then better digital Rose, Shamrock & Poppy 2006

To now Digital SLR Brisbane Aug 2008

It's about time I learned what I'm meant to be doing with a camera in my hand!
My better photos have just been better "lucky accidents" taken with progressively better equipment.

My mission is to be able to deliberately go off on a photo session and deliberately take a good photo.
Hopefully then the lucky accidents will be a great photo.

Purpose of Phlogging

This is yet another selfish Blog - this time to analyse, critcise and hopefully improve the quality of my Photography.

Again it's primarily for my benefit - to get my thoughts together and diarize them - but with the added advantage(?) of having photographic evidence attached to each post.

The blog's title is deliberately ambiguous - I'm trying to figure out whether it's possible for me to create photos worth logging or whether I'm just flogging a dead horse!